Get Published.

And Sell More Books.

How to Write a Book

Five Building Blocks for
Your Author Career

Your book is a way to reach exponentially more people than any speaking gig, sermon, article, or social media post, because it will be impacting people for years to come, even after you’re gone. But writing an entire book can feeling daunting. Where do you even begin? We’ll show you exactly how to get started, sharing examples from the careers of some of our New York Times bestselling author clients.


Author Coaching University 

Case Study

"From Unknown to Published Author"

We invite you to hear firsthand from one of our ACU Members, Evan Owens, who we helped
get traditionally published. Hear him share why he chose ACU, what he learned, and the
many benefits that came with being in an ACU cohort.



Does the Size of Your Book Matter?

Judge Your Book By Its Cover

John Maxwell on Story

5 Things to Do After You've Finished a Draft

Not sure if you should self-publish? We’ve written a white paper on the pros and cons of traditional publishing versus self-publishing.


At Yates & Yates Author Coaching, We Believe You Have a Powerful Message… and We Want to Help You Share It!

Formed by professionals from Yates & Yates, one of the nation’s leading literary agencies, we will coach you on how to build a publishing career and maximize your influence. With more than 120 years in publishing, our expertise has been honed over decades of coaching authors on everything from growing a platform to developing content to creating marketing plans and executing bestselling book launches.

You shouldn’t have to “know everything” to become a successful author. That’s our job. We believe that God has uniquely equipped us to help others use their gifts. You bring your talents and message, and we will guide you through the publishing and business aspects of achieving your dream.

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