Don't Let Roadblocks Stop You

Are roadblocks keeping you from pursuing your publishing dreams?

Recently we received this comment on Facebook: “I am so sick of all the roadblocks to publishing a book when you’re an everyday person.” We agree. That’s why we built Author Coaching - to help you navigate the ever-increasingly complex world of publishing. Today, let’s begin removing those roadblocks. Let us show you how. 

A book proposal changes how you are viewed.

At Author Coaching, we hear a lot about what stops you from publishing your book. The comment we mentioned earlier said, “If you’re a celebrity of any type, you can get your book of any kind on any subject published without any obstacles. It’s ridiculous and it’s simply not right.” It’s not fair. We’ve got to eliminate those barriers and create a level-playing field for your book idea.

That starts with a book proposal. Too many writers with potentially great book ideas are disqualifying themselves by not having a book proposal.

When we created The Essential Book Proposal Course, we did it for the writer who is tired of roadblocks. It’s an equalizer. For writers worried about all the noise between their idea and a published book, a book proposal cuts through it.  
The Essential Book Proposal Course will help you learn the indispensable secrets to writing a stand-out book proposal that agents and editors crave.

“Your book proposal is everything—especially as a first-time writer. You have one shot to make a great first impression and I truly believe that a good literary agent can make all the difference. The team at Yates and Yates collaborated with me to craft a book proposal that truly stood out and captured the attention of several publishers. Their vast experience, honest feedback, and coaching throughout the process resulted in multiple strong offers and ultimately, a book deal with a team that I adore.”

- Natalie Franke, Author, Built to Belong and Gutsy, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Leader of the Rising Tide Society

There are enough barriers out there - many of them you can’t control. A book proposal hones your book idea into a format that lifts the idea in a way agents and publishers can understand.

Here’s the big secret we want to share with you: Not enough writers know OR do this! They keep chasing their tails, complaining about hurdles, when many of the hurdles they are complaining about are self-imposed because they don’t have a book proposal.

The book proposal sends a signal - a very loud signal. This writer gets it. They want to be taken seriously. When we see a writer with a book proposal, we want them to tell us more. That’s what you want too! No more roadblocks. No more wondering why them. It’s time to put yourself in a position to be successful with your book idea. The Essential Book Proposal Course is for you.


Take Action: The Essential Book Proposal Course

The Essential Book Proposal Course is a writer’s guide to what it is, why you need it, and how to make it awesome. The Essential Book Proposal course is an 11-module video course developed specifically for authors just like you, on the cusp of getting published. After working your way through our course, you are going to have a completed first draft of your book proposal, finished and fantastic.

Click here to learn more!


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